TwinGo || How To Help A Friend Going Through Infertility

April 05, 2021

It's Infertility Awareness Week 🧡 We know that many parents within our community have walked this beaten path to parenthood, and we know the road ain't easy. In fact, we know that the journey can feel very lonely and isolating at times. That is why this week we will be leading discussions on our Facebook & Instagram about fertility journeys, and pulling advice and tips from REAL parents.

If you are currently experiences infertility, our heart goes out to you.

If you know someone who is going through treatments, please tell them to join us this week so they can see they are not alone. It can be hard to find the right words to comfort a friend going through infertility without putting your foot in your mouth. You recognize this is an emotional journey and you want to approach it with respect and love. That's why we've compiled these 5 tips for comforting your friend:

1. Don't offer unsolicited advice

Chances are your friend has seen numerous doctors regarding their situation and are highly educated on the topic. Please don't say "my neighbor's cousin smelled this oil and ate this herb and now they're pregnant" It's not helpful, and can only make your friend feel worse.

2. Offer your help

If you know your friend is actively cycling and going to appointments, offer to go along for support, or offer a ride, or even just a phone call to check in with them to see how they are.

3. Sock it to them

Infertility patients have so many frequent appointments, and their feet are often in stirrups. Find them a cute pair of socks, it will give them something to smile about every time they're at an appointment. 

4. Just listen

Infertility is an extremely emotional time, between heartache, and medication side effects, it can be overwhelming. Sometimes just listening means the world to someone going through it, to just listen, don't offer tidbits or try to make light of it, but just be there for them.

5. Be their biggest cheerleader

Celebrate every small victory for them, it means the world. Are they ready to trigger, transfer, in the two week wait? Let them know you're rooting for them! Celebrate every victory with them, no matter how small it may seem to you, it means the world to them. 

When they finally bring home their miracles, be sure to love on those little special littles!

Share your support on social media!

Update your facebook profile pic with a banner of support! Whether you have walked the trenches yourself, or just supporting a friend, let them know they're not alone. Rock that banner in support of Infertility Awareness Week! Tag us in your photos too for a chance to be featured!

1 - Click your fb profile pic
2 - Click Add Frame
3 - Search Infertility Awareness TwinGo
4 - Select a frame & click Use as Profile Picture