If you are getting ready to have twins, your head is probably spinning as you try to prepare for twinpocalypse. We bet you are guessing (correctly) it is going to be hard, and you are trying your best to prepare for the chaos. Is there anything you can do to try to keep SANE in the midst of the INSANITY?
Good news. As chaotic as that newborn twin arrival can be, your focus as you come home from the hospital is very narrow. Simply make sure your sweet lil’ cherubs eat, sleep, and poop. That's it. Even better news is, there is an app for that.
And while thankfully your primary focus in the newborn stage is simple in principle, it can get a little complicated feeding not one, but two twin babies at the same time. And that’s where an app can come in handy.
Here are some of our favorite apps to help you make heads or tails of what is going on in those early hazy days of twin life.
Baby Feed Timer tracks feedings (breast or bottle), pumping sessions, sleeping, solid foods, your twins' measurements, and any notes on their medical conditions or medicines administered. It can be used not only for your twins, but also for other siblings. Twin parents have praised it for its ability to spot patterns for your individual babies (which can be hard to do when you are groggy), and for the ability to set multiple alarms as needed.
Baby Tracker is an app that was also designed by parents and provides a streamlined way to track daily habits, health, and "firsts" moments for your twins. Details and photos can even be added later to your records. One mom of triplets noted that this app was a wonderful asset for her and the ability to sync with her husband was a lifesaver when communication was hard to manage.
Looking for something a little more tailored to your twin lifestyle? Look no further than the Jumelle app. This app has the ability to track 10 babies! In addition to all of the usual tracking features that other apps include, Jumelle provides you with multiple hints, tips, suggestions, and solutions to your challenging multiples problems. How cool is that?
In addition to tracking all of the eat, sleep, and poop for your twins, you can use some apps to do a little recon to help keep your breast milk flowing. The Breastfeeding Solutions app is an easy guide through the 30 most common breastfeeding problems. Keep troubleshooting easy so you can focus on enjoying those precious twins!
latchME is a free app that provides the ultimate support in breastfeeding. You can easily book home visits with lactation consultants, chat with other moms for support, and get videos and instructions. Be encouraged!
Aren't you glad that you live in a world where you can get so much help and support in the challenging newborn phase at tip of your fingers! Eat, sleep, poop may not be as hard with twins as it was a few short years ago. Enjoy the crazy!