Quadruplet Family TwinGo-ing! 👶👶👶👶

November 01, 2016

November is a time for being thankful, and to reflect on the things that truly matter to us. We are TRULY thankful that we are able to empower families, and make their lives a bit easier...and not just twin families, any family with more than one child!

Check out Andy & Jen of "Why yes, my hands ARE full." They have quads, and that doesn't stop them from getting out the door and creating family fun! TwinGo has allowed them to carry on as normal as possible, even with 4 littles!

In August they took their TwinGo's on vacation! "Traveling without our giant quad stroller for the first time ever! Didn't regret it for a second." Way to go Andy & Jen! We are so thankful that TwinGo has allowed you to create these special family memories! 

Jen also rocked a Costco trip with ALL 4 of her kiddos! (With a smile 🥰) "It's not easy, but it's freedom for me and it feels absolutely wonderful to be able to go out and run errands just as I would if I didn't have four eight month olds. It feels good to maintain my independence" 

"Strap a couple babies to me though, and I suddenly feel like, excuse my language, a major badass! Also a little like a pack mule, but mostly the first thing. No, I will never walk on coals or juggle knives, probably will never even try snowboarding, but I can walk out of my house confidently, any day, any time, and go anywhere with four ten month olds, and I'm pretty darn proud of that!"

Jen & Andy are rockstar quad parents, and we are so thankful to them for sharing their journey with us! We hope they are able to inspire you to get out there too!Â