TwinGo || Top 10 Signs You're a NICU Parent

September 18, 2020

You Might Be a NICU Parent If... 

1. When you hear the word "Kangaroo" think of snuggling your babies, not those large Marsupials found in Australia. 

2. You were prepared for COVID-19, because no one knows how to properly wash hands better than a NICU parent.

3. When someone says "Brady" and "Episode", you know they're not talking about that 70's TV show.

4. You didn't get those sweet 'lay the newborn on your chest' photos, because your babies had to be whisked away.

5. You know the empty feeling of having to leave the hospital empty handed while your babies remain behind. 

6. Your NICU nurses became your second family, and were amazing angels cheering you on.

7. Suck & know that phrase well and what it means without dirty thoughts.

8. You cringe when you hear a pregnant mama complain about wishing the baby would arrive early.

9. As a result of your time spent in the NICU, you know so much medical terminology that strangers might confuse you for a doctor.

10. You believe in miracles!

We love supporting & celebrating NICU families on the TwinGo BlogFacebook and Instagram. No matter where you are in your journey, we have something for you!

Need a little extra support on your journey? Check out Graham's Foundation to see how they offer support, comfort, information, as well as guide families who experience a premature birth and life in the NICU.